Chasolen Education

Chasolen Education & Research Center

How I Developed My Approach To and Philosophy About Effective Dentistry

Many years ago I learned from several of my mentors the importance of doing ‘clean’ dentistry, and this clip offers just a bit of insight into how I developed my approach to treatment and philosophy about effective restorative dentistry:  What’s your approach to dentistry and treatment philosophy? How did you arrive at such? Please

How I Developed My Approach To and Philosophy About Effective Dentistry Read More »

Chasolen Education & Research Center

Denture Occlusion – The Opposing Arch Is Often Ignored

Denture occlusion: Too often, the opposing arch is ignored. I see this all the time. This opposing occlusion is problematic for many reasons: The lower right second molar is an unavoidable interference. The existing wear on the lower teeth are concerns for not only the health of the teeth themselves, but the inability to couple

Denture Occlusion – The Opposing Arch Is Often Ignored Read More »

Chasolen Education & Research Center

American Academy of Periodontology

American Academy of Periodontology 107th Annual Meeting. Dr. Howard Chasolen is presenting on the main podium in a point counter, point forum. We are discussing the periodontics / restorative team approach protocols for saving severely compromised teeth vs todays aggressive implant treatment modalities. View the schedule November 6th at 8:00 am Speaker List This program

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